native speaker 1 (1).dekoracja

W środę 23 listopada grupa uczniów z klas 2c i 3c wraz ze swoimi anglistkami wzięła udział w niecodziennym spotkaniu z native speaker’em w katowickim teatrze Korez. Po raz kolejny uczniowie przekonali się, że nauka języka angielskiego może być wyjątkowo przyjemna, a ich dobre umiejętności językowe umożliwiają im kontakt z rodzimymi użytkownikami języka angielskiego. 

”On the 23rd of November classes 2c and 3c went on a school trip to Katowice for a workshop with an English native speaker – Leslie Mazur-Park, a graduate of Arts and Science Open University, a teacher and a musician, who loves to learn new languages. Our students came to Katowice and went on a short walk around the city. After we arrived at the Kortez Theatre, our classes with Mr Mazur-Park started. We spent two hours with Mr. Park. The first workshop was about Anglo-Saxon language, the predecessor to English, The Book of Doomsday, Magna Carta, Crop Circles and… British Tea. The second part was about the differences between British and American English and how to navigate through New York learning about its significant places and buildings along the way. Our students loved working with Mr Leslie Mazur-Park as much as he did with them.”